Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

Universitas Pamulang merupakan salah satu kampus yang memiliki jumlah mahasiswa terbanyak di provinsi Banten,sekitar 42000 orang sedang menimba ilmu untuk menjadi sarjana di universitas pamulang.

Hanya dengan uang bulanan Rp 200.000 seseorang bisa menganyam bangku perguruan tinggi,meski terhitung sangat murah,namun kualitas pendidikan yang di berikan tidak murahan namun berkualitas.

Gedung universitas pamulang terdapat di 3 lokasi yang berbeda dimana kampus pertama berada di jalan.surya kencana no.1 pamulang,kampus 2 berada di jalan raya puspitek no 46 buaran serpong dan kampus 3 berada di jalan witana harja no 18 b pamulang barat.
Dimana ke tiga kampus tersebut merupakan gedung sendiri dengan tujuan menunjang kegiatan mahasiswa mahasiswi universitas pamulang,selain itu ruang kelas juga dilengkapi dengan pendingin(ac) untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi dosen dan mahasiswa dalam menjalankan perkuliahan.

Selain harganya terjangkau universitas pamulang juga banyak mendapatkan perhargaan karena mahasiwa mahasiwinya yang pintar dan kreatif.

Minggu, 03 Desember 2017

Campus environment

Student university students pamulang will feel comfortable in the campus environment that the environment is clean, even not only the students who feel comfortable in a clean place, the lecturers will feel comfortable in providing lessons to student students educate.

But in fact the university environment pamulang still far from the hope of maximum cleanliness.

For that we make this scientific work in order to help improve the cleanliness of the environment at university pamulang.

The first step that must be done by the students and the lecturers is to familiarize themselves with clean daily life in the environment around the campus. The trick is to throw the garbage in its place.

As for other ways more lead to the usual activities done daily by the students themselves maintained cleanliness every day. And also after finish cleaning the classroom or other room there must be awareness within each individual to always maintain cleanliness wherever located.

In a campus there is the organizational structure of teachers and other staff, one of which is the Cleaning Service whose job is to clean the entire campus environment inside and outside the campus. Cleaning Service itself should be aware of the cleanliness of the campus environment and it's the job's responsibility.

So to improve hygiene on university campus pamulang must realize each other that the importance of environmental cleanliness around the campus for our comport ingiving and receiving lessons so that we are more foused in their respective fields.